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98% Progesterone Powder

Specifications: 98%

Detection method: HPLC


Molecular formula: C21H30O2

Molecular weight: 314.46

Shipping speed:1-3 days

Inventory:In stock

Certificates:HACCP, HALAL, KOSHER, ISO9001, ISO22000, FDA

    What is progesterone? 

    Progesterone is an endogenous steroid and progesterone sex hormone and the main progesterone in the body, secreted by the female ovaries. Progesterone is a 21-carbon steroid hormone secreted by ovarian luteal cells. It is also an intermediate product in the synthesis of all steroid hormones and is one of the progestins. There are two crystal forms, namely α-form and β-form. The two crystal forms have the same physiological activity. The α-form is precipitated from dilute ethanol and is an orthorhombic white prismatic crystal. The β-form is orthorhombic. Cross-crystalline white needle crystal, both insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform, acetone, dioxane and concentrated sulfuric acid.

    What are the benefits

    01Immune protection
    Progesterone has immune protection and suppresses immune response. Some studies have implanted certain tumor cells into the uterus of animals. Only in animals injected with progesterone, the cells were not rejected and implanted into the uterine wall, indicating that progesterone can suppress immune responses. This also shows that when a woman is in a normal pregnancy, progesterone increases, which can prevent the embryo from being rejected by the mother and maintain the pregnancy. Insufficient progesterone may cause the embryo to be rejected by the mother and result in miscarriage.

    02Embryo implantation
    During ovulation, under the action of progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum, the endometrium changes from the proliferative phase to the secretory phase, making the endometrium receptive to embryo implantation. Decidual cells are transformed from intimal interstitial cells and contain glycogen granules to supply embryo nutrition.
    Progesterone can induce the decidual transition of the endometrium and regulate the expression of various implantation-related factors in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Therefore, progesterone is necessary to maintain the decidual reaction.

    03 Inhibit uterine contractions
    Some studies believe that progesterone can change the permeability of the uterine cell membrane to ions, putting the membrane in a supercharged state, thereby reducing the excitability and conductivity of the uterine muscle, and reducing the sensitivity of the uterine muscle to various stimuli (including oxytocin). Sensitivity, thereby preventing the uterus from expelling the embryo and protecting the fetus.

    Progesterone can increase fetal insulin secretion by increasing maternal blood sugar levels, thereby promoting fetal growth. Progesterone can also promote the synthesis of certain proteins in the uterus, which is beneficial to the maintenance of pregnancy.

    1. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, it promotes the growth of endometrial glands, congestion of the uterus, and thickening of the endometrium to prepare for the implantation of fertilized eggs. It also reduces the excitability of the uterus during pregnancy, inhibits its activity, and relaxes smooth muscles. , so that the embryo can grow safely.
    2. Under the action of estrogen, it promotes the development of breast lobules and glands, so that the breasts can fully develop and prepare for lactation.
    3. Close the cervix, reduce and thicken the mucus, and make it difficult for sperm to penetrate; in large doses, it inhibits the secretion of pituitary gonadotropin through negative feedback to the hypothalamus, thereby inhibiting ovulation.
    4. After ovulation, based on the action of hormones, the endometrium continues to thicken and become congested, and the glands proliferate and branch, changing from the proliferative phase to the secretory phase, which is conducive to the implantation of the pregnant egg and embryonic development.
    5. Inhibit uterine contractions and reduce the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin, allowing the fetus to grow safely.
    6. Competitively oppose aldosterone, thereby promoting the excretion of Na and Cl and diuresis.
    7. Progesterone has the effect of slightly raising body temperature in normal women, so the basal body temperature in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is higher than that in the follicular phase.

    Application direction

    Progesterone is widely used in the field of pharmaceutical and health care products
    Progesterone is widely used in the field of pharmaceutical and health care products2lc

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